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Course Connect to The Divine Light Within - Insight Timer

Updated: May 11, 2023

My latest course on Insight Timer is a very special one for me. It is a short guide to connect to the divine light within you which is LOVE.

In this course I will guide you to your most inner self. Together we will explore a few powerful and special mantras in Sanskrit. In the Sanskrit language every sound has a frequency with a specific therapeutic benefit. The vibration allows each individual to experience a universal way of being.

A mix of chanting, meditation and writing practices, this course will bring a deep and profound transformation to your life.

And as promised, here is the material to support you during this 7-day experience

May you have a beautiful journey within.


List of Divine Qualities


Bhadra Mantra

Bhadra(ñ) karebhi śṛṇuyāma devā Bhadra paśyemākabhir yajatrā Sthirair agais tuṣṭ(ñ)sas tanūbhir Vyaśema deva-hita(ñ) yad āyu

Oh Devas, oh heavenly gods presiding over our senses

May we hear with our ears only that which is good and auspicious

May we, who are worshipers of ultimate truth, see with our eyes only that which is good and auspicious

May we enjoy the lifespan allotted by god with strong and healthy bodies and organs

Praising you always in divine service



Gayatri Mantra

O bhūr bhuva sva

Tat savitur vareyam

Bhargo devasya dhīmahi

Diyo yo nah pracodayāt


May we meditate on the sacred light of the luminous source and may that luminous source guide our intentions, intuition and our intellect.

List of Divine Qualities


Gayatri Mantra

O bhūr bhuva sva

Tat savitur vareyam

Bhargo devasya dhīmahi

Dhiyo yo nah pracodayāt


We meditate on the sacred light of the luminous source and may that luminous source guide our intentions, intuition and our understandings/intellect.


Bhadra Mantra

Bhadra(ñ) karebhi śṛṇuyāma devā Bhadra paśyemākabhir yajatrā Sthirair agais tuṣṭ(ñ)sas tanūbhir Vyaśema deva-hita(ñ) yad āyu

Oh Devas, oh heavenly gods presiding over our senses

May we hear with our ears only that which is good and auspicious

May we, who are worshipers of ultimate truth, see with our eyes only that which is good and auspicious

May we enjoy the lifespan allotted by god with strong and healthy bodies and organs

Praising you always in divine service



Gayatri Mantra

O bhūr bhuva sva

Tat savitur vareyam

Bhargo devasya dhīmahi

Diyo yo nah pracodayāt


We meditate on the sacred light of the luminous source and may that luminous source guide our intentions, intuition and our understandings/intellect.


Yoga Sutra 1.33



bhāvanātas citta prasādanam

Maitrī - Friendliness

karuā- Compassion

muditā- Joyfulness

upekāā- Forbearing, Neutral, Unbiased

Sukha Happy

dukha Unhappiness

puya Success

apuya Failuer

viayāā Situations

Bhāvanāta arises from the conveying of...

citta inner perception space

prasādanam the clarification

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